Altered Statement specializes in unique one of a kind
hand dyed hemp fabrics and clothing.

Who knew Hemp could be so comfortable, beautiful, and sustainable!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Supporting Members

In the last couple years we've cut way back on the business... needing to take on other full time jobs to have consistent paychecks and health benefits. In that time we discontinued our advertising and lapsed our professional memberships because of dues.
The winds of change blew hard sometimes, but 2008 has brought us back full circle in some places, and spiraled out in others.
With going to High Sierra, coming out with some new designs and styles in our clothing, and getting back to business we'd like to get our memberships renewed and once again supporting those organizations that further the hemp revolution.

We'd like to invite you to also support The HIA (the Hemp Industries Association): and either join or donate.
At this time we'll be applying for supporting members (just $35/year) but would like to soon become a full members... be involved, check out the benefits of a full member (just $125/year for most) with voting privileges... you can be part of the change.

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