Altered Statement specializes in unique one of a kind
hand dyed hemp fabrics and clothing.

Who knew Hemp could be so comfortable, beautiful, and sustainable!

Friday, March 14, 2008

One step forward, two steps... to the side

So we found out that we are not part of this year's Portland Mercury's spring fashion show... this actually relieves me a bit. I read the story online, and realized we weren't accepted... I was bummed, sure, but with so much going on it also feels good that I don't have to rush with my alter ego day job already stressing me out. I did later get our samples returned with a form letter (maybe next year).

We've also applied to High Sierra Music Festival for early July and I still hope we get that. It would be our only vending for the year. We have tons of friends going and it would be cool to do that with them there. I'll still have to work my tail off to get my inventory up and in the right season (someday I'll just catch it on the next go round), but it could be so worth it. Here's to having summers off!

I do have motivation now to step it up and try to get ahead of the seasons... starting April 1st you will find Altered Statement clothing and designs in Nourish a boutique in Athens, GA. and it's already shorts weather there! This will be the first time we've offered our products in a local boutique (ok it's not local to us, but its local to Athens). Consignment can have some draw backs to a designer, such as high fees. But there are also some great benefits, such as offering that tactile experience with our fabrics and clothing to customers, to see the beautiful detail to our work up close. So if you're in Athens go down to Nourish and say hello to Lylou!

So now our challenge is to design and produce spring and summer clothing with the fabrics we have on hand. I've been holding onto a stash of fabrics, but they are all darker fall colors. I'm really excited about the designs (spring? ehh, it may be stretching it, but they are still oh so amazing!). I should have two apron and skirt sets along with 3 skirts available this coming Sunday/Monday with another batch of clothing the following Monday... thank goodness it's almost Spring Break!! After that we should have another order of hemp / organic cotton fabrics coming in that we can get hand dyed in to summer colors!

Join our mailinglist through our website for notice when new items come out, special sneak peaks, and mailinglist only discounts!

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